Today I am 18 weeks pregnant! Baby White has been extremely active lately and I even felt him/her with my hand earlier this week. Kevin still has not been able to feel anything, but I know he will soon because this baby kicks HARD!
We have started thinking about the nursery, and even shopped online together this afternoon for furniture, but no decisions have been made. I do have my little boy bedding picked out, and the colors for my little girl room. We'll find out the gender on September 22nd. I'll be almost 21 weeks at that point - so frustrating that my doctor is so old school. But it's passing quickly so I'm doing my best to be patient.
I have been feeling great! The backaches have continued, but I am getting used to them. It also helps that I can feel the baby move all day long, so my worrying has decreased a lot. Every day my students ask me how the baby's doing and whether I know if it's a boy or a girl yet, like it's going to happen magically one night as I sleep. It is so cute that they care about me and the baby though - they're sweet kids!
Kevin and I have had the BEST weekend ever! Friday night we had a date night, which was long overdue. On Saturday morning we got up and drove to Bryan to meet my parents at my granparents' house. We loaded up and went down the the "bottom" to ride 4-wheelers, cook out, and spend great time with my wonderful family (I rode safely beside my Granny on their Ranger - no 4-wheeling for me this time)! I even found enough wishing rocks to top off the vase at my house I've been working on for a few years now. AND, Kevin and the rest of the men in my family worked hard to rescue us from a 4 1/2 foot rattlesnake that was hiding under the deck at camp! Very exciting.
Sunday morning we got up and went back down to camp to have breakfast and play some game where you try to throw balls close to a target, and then we headed home. We got a lot of chores done (clean house, clean laundry and sheets, clean dogs), and then went to Chad and Julie's house to grill with friends. The boys entertained themselves by playing a makeshift golf tournament with wiffle balls, a wash tub, and various obstacles such as a yoga ball "bunker." Us girls sat inside and talked about girl stuff, like babies.
Today Kevin got up early to go dove hunting while I slept in, and then he came home and we slept in even longer. We did a few more things around the house and then had dinner with our friends at Will and Brittny's house. Their son Chase was very interested in the baby in my belly, and wanted him/her to come out to play. We tried to explain that it would be a LONG time before he/she would come out, but he didn't get it. So I tried to explain that the baby would not come until after Santa comes to visit. Now Chase thinks I have Santa Claus in my belly. He kept trying to find him by lifting up my shirt, and he thinks my baby is going to give him lots of presents. Great! But really, I thought it was hilarious.
So a LONG weekend filled with both FAMILY and FRIENDS. A healthy, active little baby growing in my belly, and a husband who's getting as excited as I am. What more can I ask for?
Here are my 18 weeks pics, taken yesterday: