Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jaxon's 4D Ultrasound @ 31 Weeks

As promised, here are the pictures of our second-try 4D ultrasound. These were MUCH better! He was weighing in at a whopping 4 lb 11 oz, and measuring in the 93rd percentile for length. All of his body functions looked great, and he appears to be a healthy, happy little boy!


Wow! I can't believe I waited this long to post again. It feels as though I have just gotten a chance to sit down and relax! Since my last post, almost three weeks have passed and I am now just over 33 weeks pregnant! By my estimates, based on his growth rate over the last 6 weeks or so, Jaxon is nearing a whopping 6 pounds! It sure feels that way, too. When he moves around it is a BIG ordeal :)

I have still been incredibly blessed throughout the pregnancy - I have not yet swelled up. In fact, I am still wearing high heels and all three of my rings (comfortably)! The scale says I have gained an enormous amount of weight, but to me all it seems like is that I have a perfectly round basketball stuffed under my shirt.

The doctor has been preparing us for either: a) an early delivery; or b) a c-section. This is due strictly to Jaxon's huge self, haha. Full term (40 weeks) he would weigh close to, or exactly 11 pounds if his growth continues at this rate. The issue is that he must make it until at least 38.5 weeks (which is January 28th), due to the fact that I have not been working at my job for an entire year and I must meet an hour requirement to qualify for FMLA and not lose my job or insurance coverage while I take time off with him. January 28th is sounding like a great birthday to me!!!

Kevin and I have been getting ready for Jaxon in every way possible. My "nesting" has manifested itself in the typical motherly way - finding child care and a pediatrician, doing baby laundry, researching the best products, editing my registry, buying a carseat, etc. Kevin's "nesting" has meant working like a MADMAN to get all of our household projects completed, since he knows it will be hard to find time for them before too long. He has been fixing everything, organizing, cleaning...

Aside from getting ready for our little man, we have been enjoying the last several weeks together as a family of two. We went to his work Christmas party last weekend which was a great dinner and a fun casino night. We blew $40K in just under two hours - good thing it was FAKE money! I don't think we'll be doing any real gambling any time soon :)

We're also gearing up for our Christmas travels - quite possibly the last big trip we take without Jaxon. We'll be going to Bryan, Temple, and Fort Worth in a matter of just 3 days. We're excited though - I lvoe this time of year! I've been baking cupcakes for neighbors, fudge for family, and basically anything else I can think of. My time off from work so far has been very productive!

I have an appointment with my OB later this afternoon, so I'll update if we get any more news about Jaxon. Here are some new pics:

28 Weeks

30 Weeks

32 Weeks

AH! I just realized that I haven't blogged pics of his second 4D ultrasound at 31 weeks! That post will be next!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jaxon's Cypress Shower (12.5.10)

Today we had our second baby shower for our little man. Our friends here in Cypress hosted it for us at our neighbor's house, and it was awesome just to walk two houses down to get to the party! We had a few friends who were unable to make it, but for the most part everyone was there. My parents even came in from San Antonio to attend, which was great!

It was a couple's shower, and the theme was "diapering." We got a ton of diapers, wipes, butt paste (which I didn't know was actually a real thing until today), a diaper genie, and an adorable Scentsy warmer to mask that dirty diaper smell. We also got some toys, bath supplies, and other fun things for Jaxon. Vicki (Kevin's step-mom) made us a sweet A&M blanket monogrammed with his name on it!

Here are some pictures from the shower:

It was a wonderful day, and it was so great to celebrate again with friends and family. Thank you to our sweet hostesses and all of our friends and family who came!