He looked at me like I was crazy.
I can't wait until a few weeks from now when he can actually feel the baby moving from the outside! He will understand much better then how cool it really is. I could seriously sit all day and feel those little kicks and daydream about what our baby will be like.
Here is the 16 week belly pic that I promised last week:

I have been feeling wonderful! Most of my energy is back and I am much more motivated to get things done. The only thing is that my upper/middle back has been hurting SO badly for the last couple of weeks! I come home every day and lay or lean on a heating pad. I just don't know what else to do, since I am so limited on medication/hot baths/etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
On another note, today was the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I have two wonderful, smart, and fun classes this year. That's not to say that I won't have my challenges, because I already forsee some of them, but I am so incredibly excited. Last year it was so hard to leave NHE and come to a new school mid-year. This year the students are my own, I know "former students," and I'm friends with a lot of the staff. This year I have that feeling of pride and ownership in my class and in my school, and that makes all of the difference! It's going to be a great year!
The news has gotten out about me being pregnant, and all of my students think they need a shot at naming the baby. I listen to their suggestions and just don't tell them that we already have our names picked out! (Which by the way, for my non-facebook readers, are Emma Lynn and Jaxon Wayne). I think they're more excited about finding out if it's a boy or a girl than I am!
I have to go now because my wonderful husband has just finished cooking me dinner so I could relax after my long day. And later I'm getting a back rub! He is wonderful :)
I'll write again soon!