We'll find out the week of September 15th whether it is a boy or a girl. Initially I was convinced that it was a boy, but lately I have been second-guessing my feelings about that. We are so anxious to find out, although we will be delighted with either one! I'll just be glad to get away from calling him/her "Baby Guacamole" and assign one of our actual names!
I'm not including a bump picture this week, because I still look a lot like my 10 week picture. Kevin has been noticing more lately though; every once in a while I'll catch him staring at my stomach and he'll say "That is really growing!" I'll include a picture next week, to celebrate the end of my first trimester!
I do have our 11 week ultrasound picture for you, though! It's hard to tell what you're looking at because the quality isn't great, but the head is on the left and the baby has it's hand raised up to the face. The legs are on the right, and are curled upward. It was so cool to watch the ultrasound because I was able to see the umbilical cord pumping along with the baby's heartbeat, giving it nourishment and life. It is so amazing to have this miracle growing inside of me, and to know that I am able to give him/her everything they need!

Yesterday my parents, grandparents, aunt, and uncle came in from College Station to visit Kevin and I and see our new home. We grilled hamburgers and stuffed jalepenos and had a great time with everyone. Kevin and I both agreed that it was such a blessing to have our family come in and spend time with us.
After they left we took a much needed nap and then had dinner (grilled again) with Chad and Julie. After dinner we watched a huge storm come in and pass, and then we took the golf cart out for one last ride. Kevin's "demo" is over, since the golf cart is sold as of tomorrow. We rode out to the undeveloped land owned by our neighborhood and up onto this big hill. Chad got out and decided to "ski" down the hill, which he could not climb back up. As soon as he got to the bottom, this huge herd of (like 200) cows started running across the field off in the distance. Then they quickly saw our lights and started running at us! Chad ran around to the other side of the hill where he could climb up, we all jumped into the cart, and we sped out of there! What an adventure!
Kevin and I are amazingly blessed by great family, friends, and in countless other ways. We are so thankful for everything that God has done for us, specifically in the last 6 months. Our lives have changed so much, and while it was scary, it was definitely the right thing for us. Thank you for supporting us during all of these changes and exciting times!