Last weekend I traveled up to Dallas to visit with friends and family, and to have Jaxon's first baby shower! My Aunt Laura hosted it at her house, and I was able to celebrate with family from both sides, my teacher friends from Richardson (who I miss so much), some awesome women that I used to attend church with, and even one of my sweet former students and her mom (my room mother that year). It was absolutely perfect, and so much fun to celebrate Jaxon's pending arrival with the people that I care about! We had foods, yummy cake, games, and gifts. Here are some pictures of the highlights:
My amazing Aunt Laura and the BEAUTIFUL and DELICIOUS cake!

Time to snack!

Game time! First we guessed how many diapers were in a huge bag and then we came up with words out of the letters of Jaxon Wayne White.

I accidentally won the game... The prize was a "boo-boo bunny"." Ask Lindsay about that one.

Then it was time for presents! This is a custom name tile that Casey W. had her uncle make. It is so unique and special! I love it.

My teacher friends all chipped in and bought Jaxon's crib set! Thanks, friends!

My family bought the rest of the accessories for the nursery. I can't wait to get it all ready for him.

His Boppy pillow and an unbelievably sweet book from Aunt Cari and Sydni

The Bumbo seat and tray!

I loved every single one of his gifts and am so appreciative for all of them - I just don't have pictures of everything and I didn't want to bore readers with all of it.
Here are some group shots!
Jaxon's two grandmas: I love how excited they look!

My RISD teacher friends - Amy, I'm so sorry we didn't take this before you left!

Kevin's mom, sister, and niece

Former student and room mother

Last but not least, my sis Lindsay. She didn't make it into many pictures because she was the talented photographer!

I unfortunately did not get pictures with everyone there, but your presence meant so much to me!
I stayed with Allen and Casey, our friends from church there. Casey actually had a shower on Sunday, so we were able to attend each others' showers and spend time together. It was a wonderful weekend!
Kevin and I will be pretty much finishing Jaxon's nursery this weekend, so check back for pics!