Saturday, April 28, 2012

Kevin and I recently decided that our Acadia was too much car for us and we needed to downsize. It looked like for the price range we were shooting for that I was going to end up with a 2006 or 2007 Explorer in Eddie Bauer or Limited edition. We have test driven them for about a week now and I have just been really disappointed. Then we found a 2010 Ford Edge in our price range, miraculously! It is a year newer and has 5K less miles than my Acadia. It has bluetooth, MP3 sterio, dual headrest DVD players, and plenty of cargo space. It's a safe and beautiful car and I am so happy with it! Plus, we are in the process of selling my Acadia (people at the bank as we speak) for $10K more than we owe on it, so that money goes straight to the bank. And we cut our monthly payments in less than half! I feel so good about our decision, even though I will really miss my Acadia! Here are some pictures:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Funny Jaxon Videos

Jaxon splashing in the tub - he thinks it's hilarious to splash me and when I yell "WHOA" he loves it!

Aunt Lindsay gave Jaxon some cake batter (no egg, of course). Then he got really hyper and this is the result. Please forgive the lack of clothing. It was right before bath time tonight!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Jaxon Videos

Here are a few videos I just finished editing this evening.

Easter egg hunt!



Tomorrow I'll be blogging about Grammy and Pop-Pop's visit this weekend!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jaxon's Itty-Bitty, Teeny-Weeny "Classroom"

Jaxon is growing fast and absorbing everything like a sponge! Just tonight he learned to point to his nose, ears, mouth, feet, and tummy. His vocabulary amazes me; though he isn't saying much yet he recognizes almost everything we say!

Anyway, I want to start working with him at home with some art and learning activities soon, especially since there are only 7 weeks of school left and then I'll be home with him for the summer! Recently we moved our breakfast table out of the breakfast area to make room for Jaxon's table and chairs. Tonight I went nuts in there, making it like a tiny baby classroom! I made and printed posters of the alphabet, numbers, shapes, and colors and I framed them and hung them up. I made an "art gallery" of empty frames and binder clips to hang his work (and I even went ahead and hung the picture he colored on Easter with Mommy and Mammaw). I hung a mirror and a chalkboard. The coolest part (thanks, Pinterest) is a magnet board made out of an oil-drip pan! I hung it using mounting Velcro strips. I bought these cute little wooden animal and transportation shapes from Hobby Lobby and put magnet tape on the back of them, and I did the same thing with popsicle sticks, glow-in-the-dark dinosaurs and animals, and letters and numbers. The organizer in the corner holds his paper and coloring books, the cool crayons and stampers for babies that they grab the plastic animal with their fist and scribble, some chalk, and some play-dough (it'll be a couple of months before that).

I think it all came together very nicely - I am so happy with the finished product! I hope Jaxon likes it as much as I do. Here are some pictures:

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Update!

This year Easter was wonderful! My parents came in to celebrate with us, and Jaxon was old enough to enjoy himself a bit more than last year! I'm going to let pictures tell the story...

Kevin was working, but my parents and took Jaxon to the zoo on Friday to pet some goats! It was incredibly hot and muggy, and traffic was horrendous getting there and back, but it was worth it for my little guy to be with his one true love...goats.

That night, my parents kept Jaxon for us and Kevin and I had a date night! We went to the race track and placed several $2 bets on horses while we enjoyed a buffet in the nice restaurant. It was nice to just spend time together doing something relaxing and fun!

On Saturday we had our Easter celebration! Jaxon wore his bunny ears a bit more happily than he did last year.

Jaxon opened his Easter baskets. My mom had found some really cool electronic eggs that call out to the baby to find them, and Jaxon loved them!

He sampled everything in his eggs! Peeps, fruit snacks, yogurt melts, banana cookies, a marshmallow bunny...

...and coins. Wait!!! JAXON, spit those out! Don't cry, baby.

He really loved the grass from his basket and his first coloring books!

Then it was time for the egg hunt in the backyard!!!

Then we played in the backyard for a while, which has become one of Jaxon's all-time favorite activities!

Later, we cracked open the cascarones (sp?) that my parents brought for Jaxon. It was so much fun! He loved making a mess on everyone, and even on himself!

On Sunday morning we all went to church, and Jaxon looked so handsome!

Well, there you have it. A wonderful, fun and family-filled Easter!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sunday Update

It's been a couple of weeks since I have written. I usually try to update on Sundays but last week I was sick with a stomach virus. Jaxon picked it up at day care the week after Spring Break and came down with it Wednesday night. I stayed home with him on Thursday and then got sick myself on Saturday night (a week ago). Kevin caught it on Tuesday. I am relieved to say that we are virus-free FINALLY!

On to happier news!

This has been a great weekend for us! On Saturday morning Jaxon slept until 10:00 and then we got up and had breakfast. We went down to our neighborhood's Easter festival, but were disappointed when we were 5 minutes too late to meet the Easter Bunny and get a picture. We did manage to get a few pics of Jaxon in his Easter tie, though he was not really cooperative. Most of the pictures are blurry because he was constantly in motion.

This afternoon we wanted to spend some time outside since it was so pretty, so we filled up Jaxon's new little pool, opened his sand table, pulled out our washer boards, and had some fun in the sun! Jaxon wore 70 spf sunscreen, and Kevin and I got sunburned. Later, Kevin grilled sausage-dogs and Jaxon ate the whole thing!

Here are some pictures from our day:

And here is a video of Jaxon's backyard adventures!