As you can see from above, school starts one week from Monday (the 25th of August). In any other circumstances, I would have already gotten my classroom in shape for the new year and would be sitting back waiting for staff development next week. The problem with that scenario is that my school is still under construction and the date that we can get in to work in our classrooms keeps getting pushed back. In fact, today it got pushed back again - to this coming Monday.
We had to take apart our classrooms at the end of the year to prepare for the construction. We had to box things up, take things down, move furniture to the side of the room in piles, etc. And for those of you who think that all you have to do to get a first grade classroom ready for a new year is "slap a spongebob poster or two onto the wall," you ar terribly mistaken. A lot goes into the preparation.
So we can report to school Monday morning. Well, we have training all day on Monday, so no time for rooms. Then we are off-site at more training all day on Tuesday. Wednesday we have time to work, as well as Friday. Thursday is also out. YIKES.
The other problem here is that, aside from re-assembling our classrooms, we have to find time to plan as a grade level team for the first week of school. Then we must turn in all of our materials to get copied, cut out patterns and construction paper for projects, make graphs on butcher paper to use in the classroom, etc.I could go on and on forever. I am not really seeing how two days is enough time for all of that to happen.
Oh, but here's the good news (insert sarcastic wink here): We GET to WORK in our CLASSROOMS all WEEKEND long! Isn't that wonderful? I am so looking forward to spending the last free weekend of my year at school.
...I apologize for my venting and my sarcasm. It really will work itself out, I'm sure. It is nobody's fault that the school is so behind schedule (not anyone I know personally, anyway). I guess this is just God's way of teaching me patience and trust. Wish me luck!
Blah. I hate poor planning. Sorry you're dealing with stupidity.
oh friend...how i feel your pain! we WILL get it done and we WILL have a wonderful room for those adorable children to walk into Monday morning at 7:50....oh gosh, that just made me sick to my stomach haha! see you soon!
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