Sunday, August 3, 2008

It has been a wonderful weekend! On Friday night, Kevin and I had a bunch of our church friends over for a game night. It was one of those times where you invite everyone because you never think that everyone is actually going to be able to make it on a given night, but then just about everyone shows up. We ended up with 12 people for game night! It was a blast; we played this awesome cranium game called Pop 5 - best game ever. Then we played a couple more, too. Everyone didn't leave until close to 1am.

Saturday was the laziest day we have had since we moved into our house. We spent most of our time on the couch watching movies, and in my opinion it was a well deserved break. Then Kevin grilled sausage for dinner and it was fantastic. Then we played Texas Hold 'em (yes, just the two of us). Who was the winner would depend on which one of us you asked. ;)

We got up and went to church this morning and it was a nice service. We had some great songs and our good friend Noah preached, as our regular preacher is on vacation. After church we went and ate fajitas with some of our friends. At 2pm we went to the Brookhaven Nursing Center for our church's annual "birthday party." We took cake, beads for the people who have a birthday this month, and little stuffed animal dinosaurs for everyone (party favors). We served everyone cake and someone played guitar and sang for us while we all ate and socialized with the residents. It was amazing. I sometimes feel as though I don't "give back" as much as I should, considering all that God has blessed me with. Today was the first time we went to Brookhaven, but I promise you it will not be the last.

Kevin and I are about to leave for his basketball game with the church league in just a few minutes. I just go and sit with the other wives and cheer our guys on. It's always a fun time. We also play "pass the baby" with the one baby that is always there, haha.

I hope your weekend was as amazing as ours!!!

God Bless :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend! Mommy