First grade was full of Halloween festivities today! We started out the morning by carving a pumpkin:

The kids were eagerly waiting!
First we read a fun book called Pumpkin Heads and voted on which one we should try to re-create on our own pumpkin. Then we started the carving. It smelled up my whole classroom! Some of the kids helped me scoop our the "guts" and others were just silly:
And then our pumpkin was finished! I put a flashlight in it and turned off the lights in the classroom. As soon as he started shining, the kids broke out in the song "Happy Birthday." At first I was confused so I asked them why. They matter-of-factly responded "Mrs. White, it IS his brithday. He was born today in our classroom!" I really thought that was pretty clever for a group of six year olds. They're a very creative class!
The kids decided to name him Jack O'lantern, and call him Mr. O'lantern.

Later in the day, we did word problems on our bar diagrams in math using skittles.

Then in the afternoon we played Sight Words Bingo:

Have you ever seen anything cuter than this excited little boy? He hadn't even WON, he just got to cover up a word and he had only 1 MORE!!!!!
It was a very good day! We also started preparation for our new fluency boxes which will go into effect next week. More on those another day, but I am so excited about them. The only bad thing is that I have already been to 3 Dollar Trees collecting the containers that I need and I am still short 8 of them. So we know what I'll be doing tomorrow :)
When I got home Kevin, Bella, and I got dressed for Halloween and headed out to sit in our driveway and hand out candy for our first Halloween in our house. I was a cat, Kevin was a hunter (B-O-R-I-N-G), and of course Bella was a bee. Tex wasn't aloud outside after about 5 minutes because he kept growling at small children. :(

I hope you had a great Halloween, also!