Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Brainwashing, Jumper Cables, and Milkshakes...

This morning started off so cute! Somehow my class got into a discussion about where I went to college and where they were going to go someday. I pretty much convinced them all ot be Aggies. Here's a picture of our Aggie pride:

Aren't they cute?

Then we had a wonderful day full of NO BUZZ CARDS! You probably have no clue what buzz cards are, but it is good not to have a single one all day long, trust me. 'Jake' even told me at the end of the day today "I love this day. I love this class." To hear this from him - especially at the end of the day - is huge. It means a lot to me. I recorded a couple of really cute short videos of my kids singing some word wall songs today. We have like 30 of these songs! Here's my favorite:

Then things got interesting. As I was about to leave for "Milkshakes" (happy hour) with friends from work, I tried to start my car. As it turns out, my tolltag had once again fallen off of my windshield, hit my hazard lights button on the way down, and turned them on. It just so happens, though, that this time no one noticed it and it ran my battery completely out. I went back in and my principal said she could jump my car, so here we go in our high heels out to the parking lot to give it a try. I had to take out my owner's manual to figure out how to pop my hood!!! Then we got the battery working and both cars were running.

Mackie then went to take the clips off of my battery and as she did it, I was asking "Are you sure it's safe to take those off while my car is ruuning?" As it turns out, THAT is safe. What is not safe, however, is what she did next (If you're reading this Mackie - I ♥ you but this was too funny!) She goes "Of course. It's perfectly safe. Watch this." Then she touched the positive and negative ends that she was holding together, while they were still hooked up to her running car. Sparks flew everywhere, and we both screamed and she thre them down. What an experience. It gets better, though.

I know, right?

Well then I went to Milkshakes. I only had 2 milkshakes, but since I don't treat myself to milkshakes all that often, thats kind of a lot for me. As Alexis and I were heading out to our cars, I saw flashing lights in the parking lot. Two police cars had some guy pulled over and handcuffed. I quickly noticed that one of them was parked right behind my car, which was squeezed into it's spot between two big trucks to begin with. Some nice guy in the parking lot tried really hard to help me navigate myself out, but we soon discovered that I was indeed stuck. All I could think about it how terrible it would be if I slammed into a police car trying to leave Milkshakes. I decided to stay put until he moved. Finally, he came and moved his car up a little just for me. It was so scary! I made it home, and all is good.

Talk about an adventure-packed day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tooooo cute! I love the video! And be careful with those milkshakes!! ;-)